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  • Comments on Profile Post by Xethorias

    1. very good meme
      very good meme
      LOLL wtf that isn't a bhop it's lag. and the fact that the mod didn't notice it makes me want to slit my wrist.
      Jun 22, 2016
    2. Xethorias
      Did its so obvious..
      Jun 22, 2016
    3. very good meme
      very good meme
      i don't know why you're talking about hacking here I mean you've recorded yourself HACKING and if you were blind enough to not notice the lag in that then... im sorry but you're dumb LOL
      Jun 22, 2016
    4. Xethorias
      I can admit to hacking. I don't see why you can't because your aura was pretty obvious.
      Jun 22, 2016
    5. very good meme
      very good meme
      ok, we're talking about aura now. the fact that you use a client where the aura is aimbot. and in the first hit i got there, if you didn't see the lag in that either then.. idk tbh. i can't explain anything to you anymore since you wont understand anything im saying. didn't you notice how i stopped moving for a millisecond? that's lag and that was a delayed hit.
      Jun 22, 2016
    6. Xethorias
      That wasn't lag. Blaze wasn't lagging, yet you "were lagging". It doesn't add up at all.
      Jun 22, 2016
    7. very good meme
      very good meme
      you clearly don't know about me. i'm always lagging for players. ask basically anyone i've fought with, they will say i teleport. blaze himself knows i don't hack but he gets all butthurt when i 1v1 him and kill him. when he dies all he says is ''your legit aids'' then accuses me for an autoclicker which i don't even have considering i only do 9 cps while pvping.
      Jun 22, 2016
    8. Xethorias
      But I see you with 4-5 bars all the time. I don't see how you can lag that bad with 4-5 bars.
      Jun 22, 2016
    9. Xethorias
      Those are bannable. They give advantages over other players.
      Jun 22, 2016
    10. very good meme
      very good meme
      what is it then if it's bannable?
      Jun 22, 2016
    11. Xethorias
      It doesn't have to have a name to be bannable. It gives a clear advantage over other players
      Jun 22, 2016
      BLAZExSTORM likes this.
    12. very good meme
      very good meme
      i never said it did, i'm asking you what it is.
      Jun 22, 2016
    13. Xethorias
      It seems like a self ddoser device.
      Jun 22, 2016
    14. very good meme
      very good meme
      w tf LOLLLL
      Jun 22, 2016
    15. very good meme
      very good meme
      well, ok babe. i'm done here.

      it's a dns btw.
      Jun 22, 2016
    16. Xethorias
      I don't need to know the name because I don't use them.
      Jun 22, 2016
    17. very good meme
      very good meme
      okok i understand.
      Jun 22, 2016
      Xethorias is right dude... oh btw your B-hops are way too good xD
      Jun 22, 2016
    19. very good meme
      very good meme
      LOLL gtfo out of my profile, i don't need your bs here.
      Jun 22, 2016
      Geez sorry boss I will leave you alone.

      Salty much.
      Jun 22, 2016
    21. Xethorias
      Jun 22, 2016
    22. very good meme
      very good meme
      lmao ok
      Jun 22, 2016
    23. Mega_
      You can have 350 ping with 4 bars
      Jun 23, 2016