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  • Comments on Profile Post by mr rob

    1. TADS
      Or you could make an appeal like most people would
      Apr 19, 2016
    2. mr rob
      mr rob
      Im @TADS and I want to ss a mod :)
      Apr 19, 2016
    3. Rodeen
      Mods on here dont ss, they dont like giving their skypes out to people.
      Apr 19, 2016
    4. Torch
      Yet Rodeen still tries to add them all :D
      Apr 19, 2016
      ShonalFromRaxs likes this.
    5. Rodeen
      I have the ones I want, I dont even like some of the staff why would I want their skype? ;p
      Apr 19, 2016
    6. mr rob
      mr rob
      Uh its call Join.me ? have yall heard of that ? I think y'all haven't smh .
      Apr 19, 2016
      FOUGHTMOVIE4 likes this.
    7. mr rob
      mr rob
      Apr 19, 2016
    8. ParanormalPizza
      Your attitude gives me 5 types of diseases
      May 30, 2016
      Torch likes this.