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  • Comments on Profile Post by elrak

    1. ScoFu13
      Did you know of him before twitch? I've been painting his style with his products for years. I remember him as a young kid on pbs.
      Apr 6, 2016
    2. elrak
      Seen him a few times on ABC2 (Australian channel) when I was younger, not the most interesting thing as I was pretty young but I can see that he was a great guy. x)
      Apr 6, 2016
    3. Bananurz
      Bob Ross is dead.
      Apr 6, 2016
    4. elrak
      'but I can see that he was a great guy.'
      Apr 6, 2016
    5. Titanicguy
      Ainsley Harriott is the Bob Ross of cooking
      And he isn't dead
      Apr 17, 2016