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  • Comments on Profile Post by Syndicade

    1. elrak
      It's great to be back as my old self. :)
      Feb 29, 2016
      Syndicade likes this.
    2. Syndicade
      Same here man, same here. (I'm wolfbane if you didn't know btw lol :p)
      Feb 29, 2016
    3. elrak
      Yeah, I know. x)
      Feb 29, 2016
    4. Syndicade
      I was told how you were demoted sometime ago. Pity to hear, as I basically went through the same exact situation.
      Feb 29, 2016
    5. elrak
      What'd you hear? My story gets changed a lot when it spreads. :P
      Feb 29, 2016
    6. Syndicade
      You were demoted for abuse of sorts?
      Feb 29, 2016
    7. Syndicade
      Faction bypass or something?
      Feb 29, 2016
    8. elrak
      I was demoted because I made a mistake, I trusted a player I played a lot with and he told me that every member could use this command, new to the faction plug-in I believed him as he was pretty experienced with the new plug-in.
      Feb 29, 2016
    9. elrak
      He later on reported me for it, the perms for f admin got removed and I was stuck for a week, knowing I was going to get demoted but unable to do nothing about it.

      Thought I'd clear that up. xP
      Feb 29, 2016
    10. Syndicade
      Literally almost what happened to me in 2014 O.o
      Feb 29, 2016
    11. Syndicade
      Except I waited two weeks, and my abuse was accidental. I helped a player that day fix their ender portal, but needed /f bypass to do it (disabled fac protections)
      Feb 29, 2016
    12. Syndicade
      So I left it on and forgot of it. That day I went to unclaim a rival factions plot, and it magically unclaimed (thanks to the f bypass which I forgot of).
      Feb 29, 2016
    13. Syndicade
      So I blew up their plot, and soon after realized it was claimed by an alt account (made the plot unclaimable). Waited 2 weeks, was demoted as a Sr Mod, and alienated from the server.
      Feb 29, 2016
    14. elrak
      Feb 29, 2016
    15. Syndicade
      Feb 29, 2016
    16. sircorgi
      And I got demoted because I flew whilst in combat, which is entirely stupid unlike your guys reasons..
      Mar 2, 2016