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  • Comments on Profile Post by PiLe

    1. elrak
      What was the problem, may I ask?
      Feb 17, 2016
    2. PiLe
      Kinda long and boring, but basically the way it works backend I had you in a group with restricted permissions. So you could not rate or like. Well Cyp just began the 25 posts to rate group and put the entire user base in that group along with any new joining members. Well you can rate in that group as long as you have 25 posts. Which you did.
      Feb 17, 2016
    3. PiLe
      So it overrode it. I just had to remove you from that group.
      Feb 17, 2016
    4. elrak
      Ah, alright. Thanks for explaining it to me. :)
      Feb 17, 2016