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  • Comments on Profile Post by TheBlackReaper

    1. Janice
      I did, Thank you :)
      Jan 14, 2016
      TheBlackReaper likes this.
    2. TheBlackReaper
      Allgood. Hey what severs do you moderate? on e.g factions OPPVP
      Jan 14, 2016
    3. Janice
      I moderate all gamemodes
      Jan 14, 2016
      TheBlackReaper likes this.
    4. TheBlackReaper
      moderator sounds like such a cool job I might apply considering ive spent 3+ years on this server and have 4 titan accounts haha
      Jan 14, 2016
    5. GenyS
      First of all, Donations won't make your chances of being a moderator higher. You are not active on the forums... So I think that you should work on these kind of things...
      Jan 15, 2016
    6. Teeeb
      this server hasn't been up for 3 plus years
      Jan 20, 2016
    7. TheBlackReaper
      First of all devivd0ze I had an old account that was very active but i lost the email to the account but I mean i'm on daily on this account
      Jan 20, 2016