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  • Comments on Profile Post by elrak

    1. sircorgi
      I wasn't demoted for only that, I was also demoted for trying to catch a hacker (Anti-kb) But was flying in the process.
      Dec 19, 2015
    2. AlienatedBanana
      Dec 19, 2015
    3. alma
      @AlienatedBanana Yes he does, but he doesn't have permission to fly whilst in combat fighting someone.
      Dec 19, 2015
    4. AlienatedBanana
      Oh okay, sorry, didn't know the circumstances. Slap me.
      Dec 19, 2015
    5. PiLe
      Reborn I would appreciate it if you would be honest and or give the full story when you talk about your demotion. You were in combat and flew at a player and began hitting him with a sword. You were recorded and reported for your actions and the decision was made. Had you been checking for knock back you could have used a bare hand.
      Dec 19, 2015
    6. elrak
      lmao what a spastic
      Dec 19, 2015
    7. sircorgi
      I know I did something wrong, and I know that was the reason of my demotion. I apologize greatly.
      Dec 19, 2015
    8. AlienatedBanana
      Don't call him a spastic, that's rude to him and isn't a polite term.
      Dec 20, 2015