Are you saying I did nothing? I spent an hour of my time removing ratings. I gave this player a permission removal to give ratings but it is broken and he could still give positives for some reason. I was the one who banned him, why did you state I did nothing? I know your story is different now but I am bewildered.
Nope, I'll clarify;
During the 20M of which this "" fellow was blatantly spamming the my friends with waves of ratings, it seemed as if this issue was going to persist for longer. Janice gave him a warning, and IDK if you were aware of the issue during that time. This led me to believe that Janice was solely handling the problem during these 20M, which was later proven false when you took care of the issue.
- So in short, I was misunderstood. You and Janice both in fact solved this issue fine. I was upset, however, that this rate abuse lasted 20M as you can likely tell. But, it's over with now so. :P
I was in the middle of talking to my friends in my real life. I had to stop what I was doing for this server. I mean, it offends me you think I would just do nothing regardless of the circumstances. I try here, I don't want my job put to shame by people who give the conception that I would so such a thing.
Indeed, and sometimes when you're upset you are falsely led. In this situation, that is exactly what happened. I hate seeing such things occur on here, especially with my friends. Meaning I was widely misunderstood of your actions during the time, which I apologize for.
Hence why I clarified this on both Janice's AND YRV's profiles.
- Trust me, you don't need to worry of your efficiency on here. In fact, you are one of the most hard working staff members on here. Do not mistaken me, for those opinions have not changed.
If you'd like for me to clarify further via PM, I'll gladly. Apologies for offending you furthermore.
It was actually Nana who took care of the warnings and the ban; sorry if I didn't make that clear enough to you Wolf. I just helped remove a bunch of ratings in that past hour and a half.
You can even ask Janice of how upset I was during such time, alongside my friends. I hate seeing sh*t like this happen in general. It angering for me because I was staff myself, and I hate seeing situations grow further and further. Honestly, sh*t like this happens frequently. I want that to change, hence my frustrations.
- Anyways though, don't dare to think you are anything than a great staff member. Especially if my anger mislead me, which was wrong of me. And I admit when I am wrong also, I don't BS. As I said, you want me to PM you of this matter to amend my actions, I will gladly.
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