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  • Comments on Profile Post by Mark ;D

    1. Max
      I closed the thread
      Sep 30, 2015
    2. Mark ;D
    3. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      the top
      Sep 30, 2015
    4. Max
      What does that have to do with your appeal .-.
      Sep 30, 2015
    5. Max
      It means I locked the thread so nobody can reply
      Sep 30, 2015
    6. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      i cant create a new thread to make a new appeal
      Sep 30, 2015
    7. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      unless i can talk to u in game
      Sep 30, 2015
    8. Max
      Yes you can. You're trying to reply to the ban appeal you already made
      Sep 30, 2015
    9. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      no im trying to make a new appeal/thread and it says no further replys
      Sep 30, 2015
    10. Max
      Well there's no need to re-appeal anyway. I denied your ban appeal because you've had enough chances.
      Sep 30, 2015
    11. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      can i appeal here?
      Sep 30, 2015
    12. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      like make a new one cause i really want to get unbanned.
      Sep 30, 2015
    13. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      and if i do what will it take for you to say yes?
      Sep 30, 2015
    14. Max
      No, you may not appeal here. And you will not be unbanned if you re-appeal. I have already made my decision
      Sep 30, 2015
    15. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      what will it take to change your decision
      Sep 30, 2015
    16. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      and it says ur a kitpvp mod and op pvp mod so how could u be a mod on op factions?
      Sep 30, 2015
    17. Max
      I forgot to change that.

      I'm mod on every server
      Sep 30, 2015
    18. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      but really is there a way i can make you change your mind
      Sep 30, 2015
    19. Max
      Sep 30, 2015
    20. Max
      Sep 30, 2015
    21. Mark ;D
      Mark ;D
      so there isn't a way for you to change your mind.
      plz let there be some way you can unbann me.
      Sep 30, 2015