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  • Comments on Profile Post by TheCreeper

    1. TheCreeper
      You always catch my attention with an act of kindness. You are gentle and loving to all those players out there.
      Jul 26, 2015
    2. TheCreeper
      MCExplore and gokufart may be closer to you, but you still care as much for all of us. The amount of work you put into Mineverse, and now you leave. I find it sad good things come to an end. No person could ever take the place of you. An old friend that still cares. You show your loyalty in many ways, and proof you are the one we all need.
      Jul 26, 2015
    3. TheCreeper
      K sorry I had a 420 limit
      Jul 26, 2015
    4. MCExplore
      Wow....that was deep.
      Jul 27, 2015
    5. TheCreeper
      lol wot
      Jul 27, 2015
    6. Dontchallengeme
      That means more to me than you can imagine man.
      It's the main reason it was so difficult to give up my position in the time I had to, but, I needed to.
      I really appreciate your words, and I'm going to try to be more active on the forums, if I can.
      Jul 27, 2015
    7. Dontchallengeme
      I've changed my priorities in my life and have focused more on health and fitness , and family and friends.
      Once again, thank you bro. I consider you a good friend of mine too, and I appreciate our conversations.

      420 character max .-.
      Jul 27, 2015
    8. TheCreeper
      Ikr annoying, anyway it was np. You are great man.
      Jul 27, 2015