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  • Comments on Profile Post by elrak

    1. KingAlex
      :/ I doubt he will stay banned. Some guy has been banned on one gamemode 6 times for hacking and he always gets unbanned.
      May 25, 2015
    2. elrak
      I strictly told him on his ban appeal if he got unbanned he could never break a rule again or it'd be a perm, he agreed therefore if he gets unbanned that's stupid.
      May 25, 2015
    3. Electric_
      I don't know how he's been unbanned a lot of times. ;3
      May 25, 2015
    4. KingAlex
      Tell the banning mod that. Or even cyp :3
      May 25, 2015
    5. elrak
      Eh, after my demotion no one bothers to listen to me so it's a waste.
      May 25, 2015
    6. larrythebird101
      Not planning to
      May 26, 2015
    7. elrak
      thx larry ur da best
      May 26, 2015