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  • Comments on Profile Post by Alex oli

    1. The Spheredraptor32
      The Spheredraptor32
      I thought u quit alex
      Apr 9, 2015
    2. Alex oli
      Alex oli
      I did, I just check this few times
      Apr 9, 2015
    3. Alex oli
      Alex oli
      I already gave my acc's away xD
      Apr 9, 2015
    4. The Spheredraptor32
      The Spheredraptor32
      All of them or can i have one ;p
      Apr 9, 2015
    5. Alex oli
      Alex oli
      I gave them all.. My whole list
      Apr 10, 2015
    6. The Spheredraptor32
      The Spheredraptor32
      Holy I wanted one D: but why
      Apr 10, 2015
    7. mattenphew
      The ceiling.
      Apr 25, 2015