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  • Comments on Profile Post by Nimjam

    1. elrak
      Mar 29, 2015
    2. PiLe
      Javiasor his name is clearly changed. Why post his old name on here? Everyone is already aware of the name change.
      Tell me, if I changed my name to Fani would you come and post my old name on my profile?
      Your post makes no sense.
      Apr 2, 2015
    3. Nimjam
      Why do ya have to comment on what ever i say?. Trying to stalk me O.O.
      Apr 2, 2015
    4. elrak
      There wouldn't be much to stalk.
      Apr 2, 2015
    5. PiLe
      lol... Hardly. I came to post on my friends profile, saw your post and became annoyed with how you treat the community.
      Be respectful to people. It will get you farther. :/
      Apr 2, 2015
    6. Nubby
      Ooooh! Nice one Pile, Yo ma bae xD
      Apr 6, 2015