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  • Comments on Profile Post by glen10minecraft

    1. Scorv
      I was just going to post on your profile, "So who won that plot competition?" xD
      Mar 2, 2015
    2. Dontchallengeme
      I've ended that one, I'll make another in the future. Don't comment on it now, or it's considered grave digging. It's a dead thread, I'll make another eventually.
      Mar 2, 2015
    3. Dontchallengeme
      There was only a few entries.
      I'll do another soon I promise. Start preparing your plots :>
      Mar 2, 2015
    4. Scorv
      Lol no du. It hasn't had a reply in how long? xD (2 months??)

      I hope the prizes are better since OP Prison is more evolved
      Mar 2, 2015
    5. glen10minecraft
      k thanks i cant wait
      Mar 2, 2015