Your ingame name: fendodo The offender's ingame name: BlueberryWaffle7 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Abusing powers as a staff member. -Muted me for asking him to explain me the rule of no putting [Mod] prefix IN CHAT. Evidence/screenshots. None. BlueberryWaffle7 has muted me for 10 minutes because he was getting mad that I had used the [Mod] prefix IN CHAT, not in game and said I was impersonating a staff member which I had my in-game name, nobody elses. Then he tells me "After several minutes of arguing" that he doesn't care about the impersonating things just the spam WHICH I did not spam at all what so ever. Blueberry did not explain any sort of rule that said not to use a Staff Prefix in chat (Which everybody knew wasn't real and laughed.) No that is not common sense and I would like you to think this through.
Allow me to explain this more in depth. You were in chat and doing the following. *I apologize as I couldn't get a screenshot. I had tons of people messaging me at once and I lost his spam do to it. "fendodo: ---------------------------------------------------------- *In red[Mod] fendodo: Hey guys You continued to do this for awhile even after I asked you to stop. The "------------------------------" alone counted as spam Once I asked you to stop you said something along the lines of, "Why should i. i am not breaking any rules." I pointed out the spam rule and the no impersonating staff rule, then you threw a tantrum. Before muting you, I even asked other staff members if impersonating was illegal. They said yes. After warning you 3 TIMES to stop, you continued, so I muted you.
If you're reporting a moderator please make sure you have solid evidence or don't make a thread at all. If you false report a moderator just to get them demoted you will be punished.
Really Blue, you are going to start lying? Huh? I did it twice so why don't you stop trying to get away with it and fess up.
Grayson this isn't a false report. One of your staff members is lying and i know all you guys. You are just going to go with Blue because he is a Moderator and apparently you guys can't trust in game players only because they are not a part of Staff. I will be contacting Noob about this.
Here is a screenshot of Blueberry breaking Mineverse rules, you cannot use witnesses as proof. I was told that plenty of times.
In that, he doesn't break a rule. Threatening to commit an action that does not harm you is not against the rules.
Omg, you guys are just trying your hardest aren't you? Okay if it is like that I used the [Mod] prefix IN CHAT, Did I ever get the actual prefix before my name?
There you go Grayson, trying to use people against me, against the rules + I never impersonated any staff member nor famous person.
Asking for witness's points of views, is NOT against the rules. If he punishes you off of others' views, that is illegal. Which, he did NOT mute you off of others' views.
Yes he did Grayson and no rachet I did not admin to it, I said he is trying to use other people against me. Where in there did I admin it Rachet? Please explain.
I'm just going to drop in and fly by. You can't use witnesses as a valid source of proof because for all we know, those "witnesses" can be your friends.