My minecraft name: BadAssHog1506 Offender: smasher1245 Witness: Ax85bb I'm here because smasher1245 has stole $2000 of me. I asked him " If I pay you $2000 will you make me elite." I thought he would because he had done it in the past with one of his friends. He said "Deal." And so I payed him $2000 and he carried on playing instead of turning me into Elite. Then I kept telling him " Give me Elite or give my money back." Instead of paying me back $2000 he payed me back $1. I have asked everyone if they had heard the conversation and one Ax85bb said that he would be my witness. If you would please talk to Ax85bb to tell you information about this incident, he will tell you mostly what you will need. He heard the conversation. As I said in the last thread I don't have any evidence of me paying him $2000 but I do have evidence of him paying me back $1. He said he would turn me into Elite but still hasn't done so. I have problems with uploading my screenshots. Can you please tell me how to do this.
Here is an easy way to upload photos. 1. Get the photo from your .minecraft directory and drag it onto your desktop (Or a folder if you want) 2. Go to and select Upload from Computer 3. Select the screenshot that you just moved 4. Hit upload, and wait a second or so. Then click the picture once it uploads 5. Highlight the URL (web address) and hit ctrl+c then just do ctrl+v here to post that link. Boom, photo posted.
Archiving and Locking, due to Lack of Evidence. If you happen to receive any valid evidence, make another thread providing the evidence. Thank you.