Your ingame name: Plouuu The offender's exact ingame name: Jubba A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He admitted that his friend doxed me for him and is blackmailing me with the dox Evidence/full screenshots. & he said it in french but if one of you mods can speak french take a look into it, or google translate thank you, he said that after I asked for his skype he said I already have yours & that.
This screenshot translated: Plouuu: what you Jubba: and if you feel like you dox me tkt Plouuu: I have not Jubba: Your buddy already done This screenshot translated: Plouuu: LOL Jubba: Therefore can not stp Ok, this is what Google Translate gave me. Please explain this report with the translation. (dox threat/already doxed me part): Plouuu: de quoi tu parle = what are you talking about (parle is behind "Nightvision") Jubba: Et si t'as envie de me DOX tkt = and if you want to DOX me don't worry (tkt = (t'inquiète)) Plouuu: je doxe pas = I don't dox Jubba: Mon pote ta deja fait = My friend already did you (like my friend already doxed you) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (blackmailing part): Plouuu: LOL = LOL (same as english, Because I screenshotted it) Jubba: Donc fait pas le con stp = So don't be stupid pls
Alright here is the way I see it. He does say that his friend already DOX'd you. He didn't say he would DOX you or that he was the one who did it. He says a friend did it. Him saying "so don't be stupid please" isn't obvious blackmail. With only 2 screenshots from Mineverse (the Skype stuff cannot be used in a report because we only accept evidence from Mineverse) there really isn't enough said here for DOX thread or a blackmail threat. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to close this one for lack of evidence. If this happens again and you get more evidence, please feel free to report again. Also, if that information from the DOX he sent you on Skype is leaked anywhere on Mineverse, then that will be a whole different story. I am going to remove those screenshots from your post before I close this to keep your information safe.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff