Your ingame name: Plouuu The offender's exact ingame name: notChichay & ZombieSkrillex A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They said my irl name (Morgan). With out my permission, and Chichay got it from skype, idk for ZombieSkrillex though Evidence/full screenshots. Note: I know I make alot of reports on people who say my irl name, but yeah it's not my fault, they should read the rules before saying my irl name.
My issue is this, most of these people you are reporting tell us that you have asked them to call you by your real name. They don't have proof of this because they didn't feel that it was necessary. But since there have been so many reports of people saying your name, I have to wonder why.
I don't know if you want my opinion on this or not but I too am becoming VERY suspicious of this, it seems almost as if plouu is trying to get players he wants banned. My opinion of this would be not to accept it any longer.
Yeah, Im trying to figure out what exactly is going on. Plouuu why all of a sudden are people "leaking" yours and your girlfriend's names? Something isn't adding up here.
Lol, They all know my names from skype, I dislike them so I get them banned , I guess you could say I'm kinda abusing the rules, I know it suspicious, I don't ask them to say my name, yesterday I was in a call with someone I got 2accs of him banned for this he was about to say my name in chat, than said Oh wait you're gonna report me if I do, I do not ask them to say my name, they always call me Morgan in skype calls, it's not my fault they give it out.
Looking at your past Minecraft names, I cannot keep banning these people for saying your real name. You included your real name in the past. Thats why they all call you Morgan. Im closing this and will not accept anymore of these reports.