My Minecraft name is BadAssHog1506. The offender is 2609thomas. He has broke the rule of no trolling. He set a warp inside his mob spawner and told everyone to come to his warp called monsterpvp. I have evidence from a player called [Supreme]smasher1245. He heard 2609thomas saying the warp. My name : BadAssHog1506 Offender : [God]2609thomas My evidence : [Supreme]smasher1245 I am sorry that I don't have screen shots but this is the best I can do.
I understand. I have evidence from smasher1245. this is also the second time that 2609thomas is going to get kicked if he does get kicked. I dont have evidence but I do have witnesses.
Blueberry Waffle, after this message above i went on to mincraft and asked for my stuff back and talked with him and he finally gave back.
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