Ing:Jammer3431014 Server:Creative What Happend: OK a person gave me a book that had -100 health and i had it in my hand while in gamemode s and when i try to re spawn i just keep getting killed
I know I am not supposed to post here but.. 1.) There is no proof here. 2.) They need a specific username in order to do something about the issue.
She* means the offender. Also do you mind taking a couple of screenshots or a video? (I highly prefer the video)
Ok these books been going around, i got one with -2000 max health and keept dying but i got online on my phone on minechat and did /creative so i got to creative then i did /clearinventory and came online on the computer and it worked i stoped dying.
Like Layers said, try downloading the app "minechat" from the app store and logging onto creative there. From what others have said, you can clear your inventory with that app. Sorry this happened, best of luck. We can't do anything w/ the person who gave it to you since there is no evidence.
Im not trying to get anybody in trouble im just asking if u can get it out of my inveen. i downloaded and im dying with nothing in my hand