Your ingame name: ItsTweety Moderator name: MrBeefCak3 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He broke it by "Bullying" players Evidence/screenshots.
I still don't understand this. I admit it, I was talking to you. I was technically defending myself, if you look earlier in the chat you state that I, "Ditch irls for online girls." This accusation was horribly wrong and wanted you to realize that. If one word makes you so mad that you have to report me for it, which I know you have said worse, as I have muted 20 times now for saying sexual, racist, offensive things to other players, I feel this is invalid. Your opinion though, I respect that.
He said this because you made a rude remark to him about ejecting you FROM A SKYPE CALL. You kept insulting me, so yes, you were being annoying.
Let me rephrase that. Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively impose domination over others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power. Behaviors used to assert such domination can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion, and such acts may be directed repeatedly towards particular targets.
If this is how its going to be then I will more than likely leave the server because a lot of the mods have changed the server. They only mod I really trust and have the most respect for is Pile. She always has helped the server and has been kind to others. So I might just leave....
I also recall you typing #Beefy4Demotion repetitively in chat. It would be funny if you think I appreciate that, as I have worked hard for my position and I am still continuing to do so.
Bai Tweety. This isn't anyone's fault, but yours... ;/ You began by insulting everyone. Thanks for your 'consideration'..
Tweety... Saying that you are being "annoying" one time is not bulling. You have given Grayson a hard time since the first day you found out he was a mod. He has been patient where I would've banned you for your constant harassing. You are irl friends... this is a ridiculous claim. I'm going to say this once: Stop harassing Grayson and let him do his job. Closing this.