Your ingame name: CodeShort The offender's exact ingame name: JitterClickinD & mr_nobodyv2 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: JitterClickinD was sprint-hacking and possibly using other combat hacks. mr_Nobodyv2 was combat hacking blatantly. Evidence/full screenshots:
Can I ask why? Literally, the only edits were to help the staff that don't play factions, or don't PvP see clearly they're hacking. The only factor that separates the edited and unedited is the addition of music, and the titles placed in between. I'll get another staff member to look at this. No worry.
I slowed it down AFTER playing the unedited. I slowed down the video so you can clearly see the player in the beginning running back and forth IN water. I showed the unedited version first then I slowed it down. The rest of the clips are all normal speed.
Let me make this matter public {to get more opinions and views on this}. I'm assuming you don't play much.
Why would you report something for us to handle and then insult me? I asked to see an unedited version. Since you refuse to post the unedited version like I asked, I am denying this for lack of evidence.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff