Okay, so these "idminecraft" kids have been on the server, and I've seen a lot in chat about them hacking and spamming. 1. LetzPvP 2. idminecraft222 and idminecraft117 3. Spam and Being Offensive, and also them admitting to hacking. 4.
I know some people will not belive me but im pretty sure idminecraft and all his accounts are __TNUK__ aka killedlikeaboss he has told me once he is __TNUK__. He is ban evading and hacking and disrespecting players on op pvp.
The idminecraft accounts are public accounts, meaning everyone has access to these account's passwords. They are not one person.
I'm not sure if mods have access to /ipban. (correct me if I'm wrong) But that is a good idea, except there are still tons of other people using these acc's
The correct command is /banip. I have seen if we had access a while ago, we don't. An admin to ban him.
ALlow me to explain this before I archive this, since poke made a public statement on this in discussion. Idminecraft accounts are not from the same people, therefor they will not have the same IP. Idminecraft are public accounts that people can earn via things, some people get them, then abuse them. If you happen to see an idminecraft player just bring up the name to us, we do not even need proof of a rule being broken and we will ban. Thank you, Archiving.
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