Dear Staff, Today I got online for a while when a player told me to tp to them so I did I was low on health he punched me 3 times now you'd think this might be a tp-warp but when I died I was kicked.I had to go to the shop-extras and tried but that doesn't matter,what does matter is that I was straight up kicked when I died.I've watched plenty of hacking videos and I know that certain hackers can ban people.It could have been this or he could have lead me to death in an off-limit warp.I know I didn't use the template straight.I didn't have time to screenshot or anything.If this is black too,sorry didn't know.But all I can say is keep an eye on him please.Noone here wants to be treated like I was. P.S. I will message or report if I'm not completely back on survival and I hope you staff can help. Good day, Kronos_AresYT aka BroforLife
I tried hard with reporting this template tried sorry.Couldn't screen it. As for the part if I'm unbanned I'll wait 15 hours if it doesn't work then I'll message.
I suggest using the 'Free TP Back To Spawn' again. As for your report, you need to follow the template next time and you included no evidence in this so we can not take action. Please refer to this thread in the future:
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff