My ign name:AtlasTitus. I lost every thing every thing i had reset is there anything u could do so i could get my stuff back?? Please refer to this thread about your things on kitpvp.
There was an issue with one of our dedicated servers, there was no warning of this happening. That happens sometimes and unfortunately there isn't anything we can do about that.
Unfortunately not without proof there isn't.....I haven't even checked to see if I've lost my stuff yet. Im almost scared to check because I will be in the same boat you are in, with no proof. :(
Yes, that would at least give you some money back. But the video would have to show that it is definitely you. Such as you typing in the chat bar and then hitting send to show that it was indeed you taking the video.
I know this hasn't been handled to your satisfaction, but you know how to get it taken care of. So I am going to close since you know how to handle the problem.