I was trying to sell 27 sets of p4 (which in my reording i have) and i got scammed. I have proof and his ign is BailzPvp. I am currently uploading my video and i will post the video in the comments when it has been uploaded. It was i give him three sets, then He pays 1million, then i give him the rest. The video is quite long with him changing the deal then flipping it on me, but if you watch it through, you will know i am innocent. I could not find a template, so i have just gone from what i think you need to know. Thanks.
Please edit your report and use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: The offender's exact ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/full screenshots. Theres the report form, if you would fill that out, I'd greatly appreciate it.
The user is currently temporarily banned in all of the lobbies for 30 days. If he appeals, I will be sure to bring this up. Thank you for the report.