Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO The offender's ingame name: EnderShadow2014 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Impersonating NoobCrew Evidence/screenshots.
I know it's for muted people to speak to Mods. People shouldn't be using it. They also use it towards spamming.
He's obviously not the owner as it said his ign. All he says is any requests. I see no harm done. As for the command, it is not allowed to be used for mute evading, however it's not against the rules to use in general or it would be removed/blocked.
The problem is It's already in when you use bukkit you get the bukkit me command and It's almost impossible to remove if you got any idea talk to NC
well the permmions they can set it up where players can have not have acsses but they can type the command but it will not allow them easy good thought tho layers