So let me tell the story before the report comes..: nikitaplays mc msging me to buy p4, here a clip of her scamming: , second thing she posts an unban and she told me that she is going to pay me the money back.. then she got unbanned and now she is also lying she sais she only has 1$ but: ofcourse 1 dollar.., she told me she is going to pay me the 327$ back on kitpvp but she still dindt give it, why 327 because she auctioned it all and told me like: haha thanks for the 327$... . so now the report.. Your ingame name: whitettiger The offender's ingame name: NikitaPlaysMC A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming once again.. /lying Evidence/screenshots. , and again just 1 minute later she buys a super golden aplle for almost exactely the about she scammed me for.. omfg srsly... AND EVEN MORE!! maybe more comming...
Sorry for posting but you have p.plate in inv and night vision II XX:XX, isn't that like full bright hack?
i dont have night vision, and this is an old vid i already for banned for p.plate it, ask @Pile_of_Butts
She agreed in her appeal to give you back the items, not the money. Sorry. Closing.