Your ingame name: Challenger410 The offender's ingame name: TheDragonsLover A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming. She is offering a raffle. No rules broken there. I joined the raffle, and bought 5 tickets (rename a flower pot your name and she will pick a random one to win). Most people bought one knowing they stack. I used my head, and Made 3 pots. "challenger410" "challenger410's pot" "challenger410's ticket" etc. I log off to go get my mom a gift for mothers day. When I come back, I see I have been Disqualified for using a loophole? The rules were, buy a ticket, be entered. Never was it stated that You couldnt buy multiple tickets. Either she owes me 5k, or I need my entries reinstated. Evidence/screenshots. Here are screenshots showing the rules of her "raffle". Tell me if you see anything stating rules about not being allowed to buy multiple tickets. P.S. The "no loophole" sign was added after i was Dq'd. Even with it there though, I never used a loophole, because there would have to be a rule for me to find a loophole.
When I say no loopholes, that includes entering more than once. You also did not enter 5 times: you entered 3 times. Also, you have no proof of when I did or didn't place the no loopholes sign. And specifically, I said rename the pot with your in game name. Is your ingame name "Challanger410's pot"? Is your ingame name "Challenger410's ticket"?
The screenshots show the rules. You have to make the rule for me to make a loophole for it. Either add me back in or pay me back.
Also, you said you said you bought 5 tickets, but only entered 3. Even if i did have to pay you back, id only owe you 3k.
And pointing out that it says A flower pot and not 3 or 5, its just pointing out a more subtle detail in the rules. Not getting a loophole.
The signs do say "with your in game name" You made others that were not just your in game name. There is also no evidence that the sign was placed before or after the raffle was initiated. I am sorry but there is no true scamming going on here. You can try to work it out to get your 3k back but this isn't a true deal. This was a gamble that you could win some money. Be careful when gambling.
Fair enough. I'll just make sure not to do many deal with this player often in the future. I'm glad it was only 3k. But it's a matter of principle. It really wasn't a loophole as she stated.