My name is _iTecnoGamer_ but my brother who recorded this is _MEGA_COOKIE_ And the reported person is lsbminecraft Now he has major major hacks at the end of this video he flys. My brother edited intill the last part where he flew so you could see. he did not want to upload a 20minute video wich is understandable this is on opfactions so dont get it confused ok here is the video hope you like!
@StrKillr it should be fixed now thanks for the response! @StrKillr @Janice999 @TheNiceSnake @tin15cro @Deivid0ze @Janice999 @Jhow @Flazer @MissMisconceived @StrKillr @TorchwoodRC
@MissMisconceived no this is bullcrap you reply but you can not simply look at it and ban them wtf tthat is stupid
I'm sorry but I replied almost instantly when you posted the report and the video was private and I couldn't handle it, not our fault. Next time don't push staff to solve your reports.
Thank you for your report. This report has been denied. I don't see any kind of hacks here. He could just /ej to safe zone, that's why he was standing still. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.