My ign is _iTecnoGamer_ I am reporting TheFatalDeath I saw him tell someone to go cut meaning cut your wrist or kill yourself so that is a threat and that is not right. he said go cut and that is not right i really want him to be banned this is not fair :( i also got this screenshot of BoxmanVenture saying some bad stuff this was on OPFactions and btw the other screenshot was on kitpvp just saying this is a screenshot of QuickDropPlayz planning to ddos my friend he said before i rape your internet that is a ddos threat and i am scard :( this is on opfactions btw too @ItsSniiper@TheNiceSnake@Pile_of_Butts@Janice999@BlackZone@Nightfire @AllOtherMods also also dont mind the title it is for kitpvp and opfactions yeah i am sorry and also i am gonna tag @Flazerbecause he is a good mod in my opinon yea thats it thanks and hope you keep up the good work ok! Why do you let it show public but you dont respond that is really not nice i want these people banned soon they are not fun to play with and they are really mean i am crying :( @Nightfire@MissMisconceived please you are really mean to ignore this @MissMisconceived@Nightfire@BlackZone@TannerLittle@CypriotMerks@Noobcrew
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