Your ingame name: glitcher726 The offender's ingame name: xTHEKREEPERx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The play was fake messaging multiple times even after I told them to stop. Evidence/screenshots.
Nitro, it's against the rules, fake messaging can trick people, for example someone saying in a fake message Im getting you titan, also, you shouldn't even post here, just spamming threads.
Exactly what i was thinking mineterria. there are possible ways to break a rule and this is not one of them. List of rules that can be broken 1. hacking 2. Spamming 3. Advertising 4. Disrespecting/Cursing 5. Threats to hack (DDoS, DOX)
Yeah you are right, but he isn't saying 'I'm getting you titan" in fake message, he is just saying "hai and hi".
This isn't even a report... It's probably glitcher trying to get more posts so he can be on most messages :> Any Mod lock/archive ?