Swearing and innapropriot language is used on forums and on server, Look at: Kon_deli BrawlXGamer My little cousin was watching me on minecraft. He went to get a drink, he has a pet pug. Mom, can I rape the pug? His mom got REALLY mad. She asked my mom what stuff I was playing on. And now Im grounded. Thanks. Can in user reports, can there be a report for swearing, or, atleast when they SWEAR or say an innapropriot word, they are muted, warned, etc.
Like Duplexy said, you can create a report against the player for inappropriate chat. But we will need full screenshots, not cropped ones. Do you have the full screenshot?
The person left the creative lobby, then the chat scrolled away too quick, someone started spamming for a roleplay.
Ok, then I am going to close this. In the future, be sure to take full screenshots for us to where we can punish the player that are breaking the rules.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff