Hello, i have added a guy on my island. But i don't trust him anymore, @Aviators told me he griefs. Its maybe an alt from POTATOMANTRAVIS look here: https://nl.namemc.com/s?travisb459 I wanna kick him from my island, so fast as possible! I putted a lot of work in it, and i don't wanna let it be griefed! The guy told me he is a minecraft coder, he worked for hypixel and he works for other servers. He told me also he posted a dev application, but i cant find anything. Im the island leader, so normal im also the party leader... So i wanna kick him from my island, i use /island kick captalnsparklez. It Says he's not a part of my party So i type /island kick ;all It also doesn't work... If i type /island makeleader prins545 ==> you cannot transfer the island to yourself If i type /island party it says 'an internal error blablblablalba' Im sure hes still on my island, because our island levels are still the same. Please Help me, i wanna get him off my island, i cant trust him, he can grief all my buildings, spawners. his name is captalnspraklez, i was stupid to add a random player. Can you remove him? or ban him. you can't tell me i need to wait untill its fixed. Please take the griefers and hackers out. before others and me left. Thank you All
Well, i invited an alt to my island. So i can left, the alt maked me back owner. And i kicked the alt. Now if i do /party it says no one is in the party. But if i do /island level (names of island mates) It's still the same.
This has been happening for quite a while. UnHidden Content: Is there a way to fix this if we get contact with cyp? @Pile_of_Butts
Cyp is aware of the glitch and working on a solution. I was on doing some testing with him a few days ago.
Super thanks for working on it! Now, i leaved and joined my island again. I works to kick people. But my islands mates are also on the island. But theyre not listed in the party.
@Pile_of_Butts or @AthleticPsycho you can close the report. Hes not anymore on my island thank you all for the help
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