Hello, My Minecraft username is CrazieRosie and i have been scammed by Littlelizardg13, he scammed me by saying he will give me a spawner if i give him 10k. so i payed him 10k and then he logged out. Please help because that was all the money i had and i need it for my island. Thanks :mad: From CrazieRosie
We need full screenshot/video proof of this scam or we cannot do anything about it. We will give you 24 hours to post the proof.
Well, R19WA which is also a member of my island, Littlelizardg13 had told her to give 10k and he will give a cow spawner. She only had 9k so i logged on and gave her 1k extra. I told him To give me the money back over and over again and i went into op pvp and i asked him again, Please give it back, He said Never retarded noob. I got mad and when he went on skyblock again i kept asking him and he said shut up over and over as u can see in the chat. I just want the money back..
We need proof of the actual scam. Where you told him that you would pay him $10,000 for the spawner, him agreeing, you paying him, and then him not honoring the deal. Unfortunately we cannot use this as evidence for the scam.
I'm sorry but i dont have the scamming evidence. All i can say is that he told us that we should pay him $10,000 for the spawner and then he will hand over the spawner. Then shortly after we payed him the money, he went afk for a while then came back saying to shut up and stuff in the chat. You may not believe me but this is real... I chated with tinyturtleg in the msg on skyblock about the scam and he said that said that littlelizardg13 was his brother and he is a scammer and to not trust him but unfortunately it was to late.. That was all the screen shots that i took after he took our money.. Please help. I didn't want to cause any trouble.. I just want my money back.
Im so sorry. For us to do anything we must have screenshot proof. Also, Mineverse doesn't do refunds. Please be very careful who you trade with, unfortunately not everyone is nice and honest. Im very sorry you got scammed. Closing for lack of evidence.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff