Hello! I am here to inform you about a scammer in kit pvp who scammed one of my friends. He couldn't report him as he didn't have an account so he asked me to. Thanks for reading! My friends in game name: lolwouterlol Scammers in game name: Adityavir Apparently a lot of people have been calling him a scammer in chat so I'm suspecting he does this a lot.. This is the pic of him scamming my friend who's in game name is: lolwouterlol The scammers in game name is: Adityavir He scammed my friend $120 on the prison server and pretended that he didn't get the money when he did. I uploaded another pic of me talking to my friend on Skype. Thx ~ScarletSpeedzter
His paid rank has nothing to do with the punishments we do or don't do. That being said, we need actual proof of the scam. Saying in chat give me back my money you scammed from me isn't proof. We need full screenshots of them saying, Ill pay you this amount on kitpvp and you pay me this amount on prison. Both players agreeing to it and then one player not following through with it. Do you have that kind of proof? I'll give you 24 hours to post the proof.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff