I was on factions went to pvp and I saw 2 chain peeps. I went to kill them and I saw they were a team. I went to kill 1 and the girl (thebritsaredead) starting swinging everywhere. I knew this was killaura and she had killed her teammate. I went to run and she was dealing 3 hearts every hit when I had prot 4... Eventually I only had 2 health and couldn't pearl and I died. Later we had made a deal for my OP axe and bow back and she had said okay I gave her the blocks and then she didn't give the stuff back. Here is screenshot of her scamming but I couldn't get her hacking
When i was pvping thebritsaredead, i got them realy low and they logged i dont have any proof of this, as i was not recording at the time but they did auto log.
lol there si proof fishthegod and swaqesta the person made a deal and then ducky gave but she no give back??