Jackinatoner and KidzTv and gokufart are traping people and killing them BAN then they traped 2 people in IV and killed THEM
first of all we never trapped someone with iv u just made that up to sound all cool and stuff you lied about that which i hate and wheres your proof that weve trapped 2 iv peaple so u where lying about that also trapping peaple is allowed
Ok for ONE you did kill 2 IV people you killed half_Moon_1 in IV C. dont LIE you know your GONNA GET BANED
Sorry 4 posting, but I really don't see any proof of goku and crew tpatrapping you. Its just any ordinary screenshot.
no thats not a excuse if you report someone you dont troll what if the mods really banned them for no reason they will blame you so dont do this ever again
It's more like a waste of a thread. The mods/admins would have ignored this even if it was real, if you don't fill out the report form...
Don't make prank reports... ever. Anyways, considering this was probably a serious report to start with, it does seem that they might have been TPAing people to them, then killing them. Which might be punishable if they were doing a sale or business transaction of some sort. For something to be done about this, more proof would be needed.
lego was lying i didnt trap 2 peaple thats one thing hes lying about and lego wheres ur proof that i trapped and killed 2 iv guys i hate how ur trying to lie and just get peaple banend for lying when it wasent true also u where just only in kit commander and that screen shot isnt really that much proof it looked like kidstv was killing me not you and yes pixie quadcrafters said that trapping is allowed