Hello my name is SimplyDope.I am reporting this kid, Who keeps tp killing. His name is PatrickHaugeli, JetixPvp is my friend he tp'd me to review and report snoopyminer2001 for griefing and everytime I tp'd I'd get killed by this PatrickHaugeli guy.I don't have any other proof since I was to late and I couldn't screenshot so this is my only proof I hope he gets banned, Also SnoopyMiner2001 for griefing.
PatrikHaugeli** is his name Don't ban SnoopyMiner2001 He just msg'd me Jetixpvp did it to him first and he tp'd me to his house so SnoopyMiner2001 is not guilty!
Unfortunately for something like this, we really need video evidence of the killing. This doesn't show me that he killed you. Closing for lack of evidence.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to report this player(s) again. Kind regards, The Staff