Please Note, when I show these snapshots, I do not use it out of revenge and am only doing this to be fair to all the people that enjoy playing Infection. Thank You. Also, many of the pictures, the text isn't clear and they need to be edited to find the names of some Your ingame name: XxMR_NiCESPiCExX The offender's ingame name: diamondboy200308, shadowspawn222, harveyVJS, TNT_2014, SnowLord827, and others are unclear. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: All are Fly Hacking Evidence/screenshots.
Just gonna leave this here for OP ; "A Render Lag is what causes another player to appear like they are 'floating'. This happens a ton on the infection server, but i'm not sure if this happens a ton anywhere else on the server." Source: An amazing guide made by @BioNarix