1.in-game name: ReeseSW/ archangel175 (will post more screenshots) 2. offenders in-game name: jbobsnake/ blatzain 3. rule they broke: hacking and greifing (jbob after being banned got onto his alt account and greifed /warp bunny and /warp rocky) 4. screenshots:attached 5. explanation: We have a hacker, blatzain, he greifed the alemania alliance personally suggesting that he in fact is jbobsnake because they got him temp banned. Also he claims he might be jbobsnake in these photos and that he had hacks. I believe if you banned both accounts it would make mineverse skyblock a better place.
I do not see any proof that i said i ame Jbobsnake cuz im not i like to play around with u and dont have any hacks and im not jbobsnake so yeah... i might have griefed archangel but yeah im not jbob
Actually jbobatzain you griefed warp rocky, warp unimart, and warp bunny. Soooooo enjoy your ban jbobatzain. Below are screenshots proving you are a liar. Enjoy XD http://smg.photobucket.com/user/godspeeduz/slideshow/SKYBLOCK GRIEFERS/Batzain aka Jobobsnake
You most likely are jbob because you exclusively greifed the alemania alliance members shops, given they got you temp banned I believe you are lying also "you like playing around" nice excuse for saying maybe also there is partial evidence there that leads to you being jbobsnake there is an 90% chance that you are jbob the only time ive seen you is the time jbob got banned.
http://gyazo.com/09ac4f77c3baa0a521fb2ce45b9cde24 I say you are jbobsnake. Stop ban evading and appeal. We discussed this in game. He won't be coming back on unless his appeal is accepted.