1. My in-game name ~ TheDragonsLover 2. Offenders in-game name ~ BELIVER 3. The rule what was broken was "No killing in Safe Zone". I, peacefuly sitting in the mines while dealing with my 6 month old brother, was killed, either buy lava or flint and steal. However, I was wearing diamond armor, so I suspect Lava. I came back and nearly had a heart attack, bacause I realized i lost my Eff5 Fortune3 Unbr3 Diamond pick, my diamond armor, my fishing rods, and my enchanted fishing treasures that had normally impossible enchantment combonations. I am (this is an understatement) enraged and want to know if I will be getting my things back. And BELIVER basically admitted that he killed me. Screenshots 5 & 6 are only 2 of the things I had fished up. I had about 10 enchanted things I had gotten.
Ok So I see based on the screenshots, there is no proof that BELIVER actually killed you. BELIVER never admitted to it, all they stated was "and just as you know i didnt get the pic dragonslover :*" That to me only says they didnt get the pic you had when you died. Could have come upon your stuff after you died along with someone else and from the screenshot of the players online it shows there are up to 11 players that have access to that mine. Unless you provide actual proof of who killed you, I am sorry but there is nothing that can be done. In the future it would be wise to not go AFK in a mine area. Again, sorry.