Your Ign: Markykos Offenders Ign: durpysmash Rule Broken: Hacking Evidence: It might be hard to see because I do not think sound was playing in the recording but he potted or ate a golden apple while running away from me. Sorry for the lag.
@tin15cro he eats the gold apple at about 18 seconds I think he used a fast-eat hack to eat it very fast while sprinting, you can see the particles on my texture pack the golden apples are blue. It is a little hard to see though.
UnHidden Content: ***********************************************************************************************************************************************888888888***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************I think it may have just been lag, not hacks. More opinions would help.
Sorry, but it is too laggy for me, or others on the staff to see hacks. Feel free to make another report if you gain more evidence.