Your ingame name: BrianNK The offender's ingame name: RealCreeper30 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming Evidence/screenshots: I asked if anyone wanted a P4 enchanted diamond chestplate, and he was the first to answer. I gave it to him and he failed to return the favour. He wanted 1k for it and I said no, but he stayed with my chestplate. He wanted to change offers; he said 20 ender pearls but i also said no. The offer was $3500 for it but he gave me nothing! He still has it up to now. I told him i was going to report him, but he said idc. I'm asking that not only you /ban or /temp-ban him, but a full refund of a d4 chestplate. Thank you.
There is no evidence that he took the chest plate without paying. And they can not refund your chest plate.
You need evidence of him taking the chestplate, basically what toepepper said. If you cant supply this proof Ill close this report and move it to the archive.
Ahh that's the problem! Nvm I did a good deed yesterday and got 12 diamonds, it's ok. You may archive if necessary.