I was playing Infection on mineverse and I came across 2 hackers, Luckily I recorded them hacking but sadly I stopped recording 1 round after they started flying. So I can't prove they were flying though. I have video evidence and pictures. If it were not for the Damage Indicators mod which isn't a mod that can aid me or help me survive in any way, but if not for that mod I probably wouldn't have know their names as they were holding "Shift" And their name was dark. I also have a lot of witnesses who will agree with you on this. Such as [God] Fanatic_MC is also a witness and has recorded and uploaded hackers and exposing them, A lot of people know who these hackers are or have seen these hackers. I will present some snapshots I took as well as not 1 but 2 videos of them hacking. Here is the videos:
As you see in the videos I have listed some of the hacks they had were making them OP, They had no knock back, they had flying - (Them Flying wasn't shown in the video But a lot of people saw it) they had speed. I know the first video was long so just watch 2 minutes of the first one, but the second one is just 1:43 minutes & seconds. And the hackers names were nerfstriker55 and _Fggt - (This name is not a joke nor is it to be an insult.)
Also the reason I put this under the Help Category is because I can't put it in the Report or ban appeal category for some reason.
Next time post this in the section "reports". These players have already been reported and I've banned them.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.