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  • 2 littl bugs i have found [Resolved] [NCC]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by AnimeL0ver13, Sep 15, 2015.

    1. AnimeL0ver13

      AnimeL0ver13 Active Member

      Mar 8, 2015
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      I have found 2 little bugs with the server, one in the lobby and the second I'm not sure if it goes through to all the games.
      1. In gadgets the hideout gadget says its for premium, I'm a sponsor but i cannot access it.
      2. the friends command is a little buggy, when i want to add my friend to a party and they have to log off for a quick second as soon as they come back on i cannot add them because it says they are offline, even tho they are right in front of me.
      I would like to see these minor bugs fixed if possible.
    2. Lord Jaraxxus

      Lord Jaraxxus Well-Known Member

      Jun 9, 2014
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      The command takes a few seconds to update, if you had of closed it and re-opened it than he would have been online lets just face it that it won't be instant always and if the sponsor thing is still a bug please make a new report in the same section Reason behind this is this issue seems to be just for you so you can email mineverse.

      Resolved hopefully.

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