The following players have been banned: CrystalCaitlin MOEYMAZ03 ZombiSlayers roccomosdy DanielJGrennan JonasGossi2 nicki213n Corbin112 Already Banned: _ItzFoxyPlays Players still in question: FactionsIce Elkki1 What do you think? @MaxNinja10 @TADS4 @Pile_of_Butts
Asian... The last time you made a report like this you took down the evidence in a matter of days. How do we know you won't just do the same thing again?
Yeah I know, I'm just going to ask you guys if I can take it down at a certain time period. Sorry about that, didn't know you needed evidence after you already banned them.
A good rule of thumb is to keep it up for thirty days from the report being handled. We ban 30 days for hacks now so it should be easy to remember that.
Awesome. Thank you. @Pile_of_Butts I still have some players in question of hacking before the report should be locked: FactionsIce Elkki1