Your ingame name: ScoFu13 The offender's ingame name: matador12345678, Digggiiinn47, superheromats, ProfLiam, cheeseycar2614, madssalte, A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: inappropriate chat content/foul language Evidence/screenshots. This is only a fraction of what I witnessed and there is so much more and it is constant. @CypriotMerks if you can please read my possible solution I sent via Skype.
Here is snape124 advertising his server. Also note ChessyCrepper65 with the annoying, non stopping spam. Also Denox_kill with the language which has been going for over twenty minutes, over and over even when asked politely by not just myself but other players. And the worst yet with coolgy88 with the racism and language. Unacceptable.
you know what I think? parkour should be closed down for a few days or weeks, so they can learn their lesson. or if there is a way to temporarily ban all of them and reason? for their fowl language
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.