I think you fixed this but just in case.... you may have accidentally set the SilkSpawner permission "spawnEggToSpawner " to "true" on Skyblock. The permission you probably intended to set true is called -silkspawners.changetypewithegg.* Also when you place a spawner that has been mined it goes back to the default pig spawner. The permission silkspawners.place.* or silkspawners.place.<creaturetype> should be "true" and all normal creature types set to "enabled".
I still get that error message "You do not have permission to change spawners with a spawn egg". On the plus side spawn eggs are working normally when spawned on the ground now And I was incorrect about silkspawner.place being turned off. The problem placing spawners has something to do with the minecraft item tags. If the monster spawner has a tag 1 it will give an error message when placed and revert back to the default pig spawner. If it has a tag 3 it can be placed and retain it's creature setting. Sending a spawner threw the auction can change the tag from 3 to 1. Also, only spawners with tag 1 can be sold in a chestshop. After you buy it and it's in your inventory it will display the modified creature setting but when it's placed it will go back to the default pig spawner. I did some googling and found out that silkspawner and chestshop together have a few bugs. Thanks for all your help!
I just thought of something. Did you change the permission for oped players but not not regular players? That might be why it's working for you and not me.
Locking as inactive, if this is still an issue feel free to post a new thread here. Closing & archiving.