Your ingame name: rct3dude The offender's ingame name: xTHEKREEPERx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: People are saying its a glitch but I really don't know I thought it was him flying out the glass where you spawn. Evidence: I took 2 screen shots so you can see more better than 1 of them.
No thats wrong. xTHEKREEPERx told me that you might've had lag, so xTHEKREEPERx is not banned.. probably just a lag on your computer. The ban depends on your connection. If your connection is laggy, the person won't get banned. if its perfect, the person would be stuck up. by the way, xTHEKREEPERx even told me that im awesome -Nitro, the awesome and epic leader of TheProSquadOf2014. :D
This more looks like render lag than hacks. Render lag doesn't really make your fps drop, but makes other people appear where they aren't. It's normal in Infection
The thing with spider though is I believe that it only works on fences or iron bars •n• which is why it's most commonly seen on desert and no where else. I'll look into the player more, but if he did hack, i don't think this would be enough to have anything done to him. That doesn't make him actually crediable. Wesley told me after he got unbanned that he didn't have hacks and yet here he is on the forums with video evidence of him gliding.